# Created by makepy.py version 0.4.93 # By python version 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] # From type library 'UBAfxP.ocx' # On Sat Apr 14 09:18:40 2007 """UBAfxP Library""" makepy_version = '0.4.93' python_version = 0x20401f0 import win32com.client.CLSIDToClass, pythoncom import win32com.client.util from pywintypes import IID from win32com.client import Dispatch # The following 3 lines may need tweaking for the particular server # Candidates are pythoncom.Missing and pythoncom.Empty defaultNamedOptArg=pythoncom.Empty defaultNamedNotOptArg=pythoncom.Empty defaultUnnamedArg=pythoncom.Empty CLSID = IID('{13809C60-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') MajorVersion = 1 MinorVersion = 0 LibraryFlags = 10 LCID = 0x0 class constants: afbNone =0x0 # from enum TxActiveFormBorderStyle afbRaised =0x3 # from enum TxActiveFormBorderStyle afbSingle =0x1 # from enum TxActiveFormBorderStyle afbSunken =0x2 # from enum TxActiveFormBorderStyle htContext =0x1 # from enum TxHelpType htKeyword =0x0 # from enum TxHelpType mbLeft =0x0 # from enum TxMouseButton mbMiddle =0x2 # from enum TxMouseButton mbRight =0x1 # from enum TxMouseButton poNone =0x0 # from enum TxPrintScale poPrintToFit =0x2 # from enum TxPrintScale poProportional =0x1 # from enum TxPrintScale from win32com.client import DispatchBaseClass class IUBeamAfx(DispatchBaseClass): """Dispatch interface for UBeamAfx Control""" CLSID = IID('{13809C61-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') coclass_clsid = IID('{13809C65-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') def CopytoClipboard(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(18, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def DLLFilt(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, lib=defaultNamedNotOptArg, proc=defaultNamedNotOptArg, id=defaultNamedNotOptArg , fcoef=defaultNamedNotOptArg, newchan=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(89, LCID, 1, (11, 0), ((3, 1), (8, 1), (8, 1), (8, 1), (12, 1), (11, 1)),ch , lib, proc, id, fcoef, newchan ) def DLLSetStr(self, lib=defaultNamedNotOptArg, proc=defaultNamedNotOptArg, id=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(88, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1), (8, 1)),lib , proc, id) def F0IndexSamples(self, index_list=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(98, 1, (12, 0), ((12, 1),), 'F0IndexSamples', None,index_list ) def F0ReadoutValues(self): return self._ApplyTypes_(97, 1, (12, 0), (), 'F0ReadoutValues', None,) def FIR(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, M_pst=defaultNamedNotOptArg, coef=defaultNamedNotOptArg, newchan=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(86, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (3, 1), (12, 1), (11, 1)),ch , M_pst, coef, newchan) def GetReadoutValues(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(82, 1, (12, 0), ((3, 1),), 'GetReadoutValues', None,ch ) def GetSampleSlice(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, slice=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(83, 1, (12, 0), ((3, 1), (12, 1)), 'GetSampleSlice', None,ch , slice) def Get_fcur(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(69, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def Get_fscn(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(66, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def Get_icur(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(67, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def Get_iscn(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(65, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def Get_multi_wave(self): ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(90, LCID, 1, (13, 0), (),) if ret is not None: # See if this IUnknown is really an IDispatch try: ret = ret.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch) except pythoncom.error: return ret ret = Dispatch(ret, 'Get_multi_wave', None, UnicodeToString=0) return ret def Get_primary_ms(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(72, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def Get_primary_msamp(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(71, LCID, 1, (3, 0), (),) def Get_readout(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg): # Result is a Unicode object - return as-is for this version of Python return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(80, LCID, 1, (8, 0), ((3, 1),),ch ) def Get_sample_ms(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(84, LCID, 1, (5, 0), ((3, 1),),ch ) def HPF(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, fc=defaultNamedNotOptArg, newchan=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(85, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (5, 1), (11, 1)),ch , fc, newchan) def IIR(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, M_pst=defaultNamedNotOptArg, bcoef=defaultNamedNotOptArg, acoef=defaultNamedNotOptArg , newchan=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(87, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (3, 1), (12, 1), (12, 1), (11, 1)),ch , M_pst, bcoef, acoef, newchan) def LblIndexList(self, Lbl_str=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(148, 1, (12, 0), ((8, 1),), 'LblIndexList', None,Lbl_str ) def Lbl_final_ms(self, idx=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(147, LCID, 1, (5, 0), ((3, 1),),idx ) def Lbl_idx(self, Lbl_str=defaultNamedNotOptArg, occur=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(149, LCID, 1, (3, 0), ((8, 1), (3, 1)),Lbl_str , occur) def Lbl_initl_ms(self, idx=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(146, LCID, 1, (5, 0), ((3, 1),),idx ) def Lbl_max_occur(self, Lbl_str=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(150, LCID, 1, (3, 0), ((8, 1),),Lbl_str ) def Lbl_nlabel(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(144, LCID, 1, (3, 0), (),) def Lbl_str(self, idx=defaultNamedNotOptArg): # Result is a Unicode object - return as-is for this version of Python return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(145, LCID, 1, (8, 0), ((3, 1),),idx ) def NextEnabled(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(41, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def OpenListURL(self, path=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(34, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((8, 1),),path ) def OpenPalPha(self, path=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(33, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((8, 1),),path ) def OpenURL(self, uname=defaultNamedNotOptArg, fname=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(32, LCID, 1, (11, 0), ((8, 1), (8, 1)),uname , fname) def OpenWaveDlg(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(35, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def OpenWaveFile(self, fname=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(36, LCID, 1, (11, 0), ((8, 1),),fname ) def PlayStop(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(74, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def PlayWave(self, to_end=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(73, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((11, 1),),to_end ) def PrevEnabled(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(40, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def RMSIndexSamples(self, index_list=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(117, 1, (12, 0), ((12, 1),), 'RMSIndexSamples', None,index_list ) def RMSReadoutValues(self): return self._ApplyTypes_(116, 1, (12, 0), (), 'RMSReadoutValues', None,) def SelectDlg(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(42, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def SelectDlgEnabled(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(43, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def SelectNext(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(39, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def SelectPrev(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(38, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def SetFont(self, arg0=defaultUnnamedArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(-512, LCID, 8, (24, 0), ((16393, 1),),arg0 ) def SetScreen(self, cursors=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(64, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((12, 1),),cursors ) def Set_fcur(self, fcur=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(70, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((12, 1),),fcur ) def Set_icur(self, icur=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(68, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((12, 1),),icur ) def Set_readout(self, ch=defaultNamedNotOptArg, rname=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(81, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((3, 1), (8, 1)),ch , rname) def SpecGetdB(self): return self._ApplyTypes_(174, 1, (12, 0), (), 'SpecGetdB', None,) def SpecReadoutValues(self): return self._ApplyTypes_(173, 1, (12, 0), (), 'SpecReadoutValues', None,) def TFComputeFormants(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(130, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def TFComputed(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(133, LCID, 1, (11, 0), (),) def TFIndexFormants(self, index_list=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(134, 1, (12, 0), ((12, 1),), 'TFIndexFormants', None,index_list ) def TFSmoothFormants(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(131, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def TFTrackFormants(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(132, LCID, 1, (24, 0), (),) def XYIndexPel(self, ipel=defaultNamedNotOptArg, index_list=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._ApplyTypes_(176, 1, (12, 0), ((3, 1), (12, 1)), 'XYIndexPel', None,ipel , index_list) def XYMsAlign(self, index_ms=defaultNamedNotOptArg): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(177, LCID, 1, (5, 0), ((5, 1),),index_ms ) def XYMsMax(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(178, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) def XYMsPos(self): return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(179, LCID, 1, (5, 0), (),) _prop_map_get_ = { "Active": (9, 2, (11, 0), (), "Active", None), "AlignDisabled": (13, 2, (11, 0), (), "AlignDisabled", None), "AutoScroll": (2, 2, (11, 0), (), "AutoScroll", None), "AutoSize": (3, 2, (11, 0), (), "AutoSize", None), "AxBorderStyle": (4, 2, (3, 0), (), "AxBorderStyle", None), "Caption": (-518, 2, (8, 0), (), "Caption", None), "Color": (-501, 2, (19, 0), (), "Color", None), "Ctrls_visible": (19, 2, (11, 0), (), "Ctrls_visible", None), "Cursor": (15, 2, (2, 0), (), "Cursor", None), "DoubleBuffered": (12, 2, (11, 0), (), "DoubleBuffered", None), "DropTarget": (10, 2, (11, 0), (), "DropTarget", None), "Enabled": (-514, 2, (11, 0), (), "Enabled", None), "F0_readout": (96, 2, (8, 0), (), "F0_readout", None), "F0_visible": (20, 2, (11, 0), (), "F0_visible", None), "FileName": (37, 2, (8, 0), (), "FileName", None), # Method 'Font' returns object of type 'Font' "Font": (-512, 2, (9, 0), (), "Font", '{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}'), "HelpFile": (11, 2, (8, 0), (), "HelpFile", None), "HelpKeyword": (17, 2, (8, 0), (), "HelpKeyword", None), "HelpType": (16, 2, (3, 0), (), "HelpType", None), "KeyPreview": (5, 2, (11, 0), (), "KeyPreview", None), "Lbl_visible": (23, 2, (11, 0), (), "Lbl_visible", None), "PixelsPerInch": (6, 2, (3, 0), (), "PixelsPerInch", None), "PrintScale": (7, 2, (3, 0), (), "PrintScale", None), "RMS_Hamming": (115, 2, (11, 0), (), "RMS_Hamming", None), "RMS_readout": (112, 2, (8, 0), (), "RMS_readout", None), "RMS_use_dB": (113, 2, (11, 0), (), "RMS_use_dB", None), "RMS_visible": (21, 2, (11, 0), (), "RMS_visible", None), "RMS_window_ms": (114, 2, (5, 0), (), "RMS_window_ms", None), "Scaled": (8, 2, (11, 0), (), "Scaled", None), "Spec_DCT": (169, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_DCT", None), "Spec_Hamming": (166, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_Hamming", None), "Spec_LP": (168, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_LP", None), "Spec_LTA": (161, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_LTA", None), "Spec_Mmt": (170, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_Mmt", None), "Spec_Preem": (165, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_Preem", None), "Spec_align_curs": (160, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_align_curs", None), "Spec_align_final": (163, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_align_final", None), "Spec_align_initl": (162, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_align_initl", None), "Spec_avg": (171, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_avg", None), "Spec_ncoef": (172, 2, (3, 0), (), "Spec_ncoef", None), "Spec_rect": (167, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_rect", None), "Spec_visible": (24, 2, (11, 0), (), "Spec_visible", None), "Spec_window_ms": (164, 2, (5, 0), (), "Spec_window_ms", None), "TF_LPC": (128, 2, (11, 0), (), "TF_LPC", None), "TF_ncoef": (129, 2, (3, 0), (), "TF_ncoef", None), "TF_visible": (22, 2, (11, 0), (), "TF_visible", None), "Visible": (1, 2, (11, 0), (), "Visible", None), "VisibleDockClientCount": (14, 2, (3, 0), (), "VisibleDockClientCount", None), "XY_visible": (25, 2, (11, 0), (), "XY_visible", None), } _prop_map_put_ = { "AutoScroll": ((2, LCID, 4, 0),()), "AutoSize": ((3, LCID, 4, 0),()), "AxBorderStyle": ((4, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Caption": ((-518, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Color": ((-501, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Ctrls_visible": ((19, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Cursor": ((15, LCID, 4, 0),()), "DoubleBuffered": ((12, LCID, 4, 0),()), "DropTarget": ((10, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Enabled": ((-514, LCID, 4, 0),()), "F0_readout": ((96, LCID, 4, 0),()), "F0_visible": ((20, LCID, 4, 0),()), "FileName": ((37, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Font": ((-512, LCID, 4, 0),()), "HelpFile": ((11, LCID, 4, 0),()), "HelpKeyword": ((17, LCID, 4, 0),()), "HelpType": ((16, LCID, 4, 0),()), "KeyPreview": ((5, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Lbl_visible": ((23, LCID, 4, 0),()), "PixelsPerInch": ((6, LCID, 4, 0),()), "PrintScale": ((7, LCID, 4, 0),()), "RMS_Hamming": ((115, LCID, 4, 0),()), "RMS_readout": ((112, LCID, 4, 0),()), "RMS_use_dB": ((113, LCID, 4, 0),()), "RMS_visible": ((21, LCID, 4, 0),()), "RMS_window_ms": ((114, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Scaled": ((8, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_DCT": ((169, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_Hamming": ((166, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_LP": ((168, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_LTA": ((161, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_Mmt": ((170, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_Preem": ((165, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_align_curs": ((160, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_align_final": ((163, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_align_initl": ((162, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_avg": ((171, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_ncoef": ((172, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_rect": ((167, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_visible": ((24, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Spec_window_ms": ((164, LCID, 4, 0),()), "TF_LPC": ((128, LCID, 4, 0),()), "TF_ncoef": ((129, LCID, 4, 0),()), "TF_visible": ((22, LCID, 4, 0),()), "Visible": ((1, LCID, 4, 0),()), "XY_visible": ((25, LCID, 4, 0),()), } class IUBeamAfxEvents: """Events interface for UBeamAfx Control""" CLSID = CLSID_Sink = IID('{13809C63-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') coclass_clsid = IID('{13809C65-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') _public_methods_ = [] # For COM Server support _dispid_to_func_ = { 7 : "OnDeactivate", 5 : "OnDblClick", 1 : "OnActivate", 11 : "OnKeyPress", #16 : "OnPaint", 6 : "OnDestroy", 2 : "OnClick", 3 : "OnCreate", } def __init__(self, oobj = None): if oobj is None: self._olecp = None else: import win32com.server.util from win32com.server.policy import EventHandlerPolicy cpc=oobj._oleobj_.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IConnectionPointContainer) cp=cpc.FindConnectionPoint(self.CLSID_Sink) cookie=cp.Advise(win32com.server.util.wrap(self, usePolicy=EventHandlerPolicy)) self._olecp,self._olecp_cookie = cp,cookie def __del__(self): try: self.close() except pythoncom.com_error: pass def close(self): if self._olecp is not None: cp,cookie,self._olecp,self._olecp_cookie = self._olecp,self._olecp_cookie,None,None cp.Unadvise(cookie) def _query_interface_(self, iid): import win32com.server.util if iid==self.CLSID_Sink: return win32com.server.util.wrap(self) # Event Handlers # If you create handlers, they should have the following prototypes: # def OnDeactivate(self): # def OnDblClick(self): # def OnActivate(self): # def OnKeyPress(self, Key=defaultNamedNotOptArg): # def OnPaint(self): # def OnDestroy(self): # def OnClick(self): # def OnCreate(self): from win32com.client import CoClassBaseClass # This CoClass is known by the name 'UBAfxP.UBeamAfx' class UBeamAfx(CoClassBaseClass): # A CoClass # UBeamAfx Control CLSID = IID('{13809C65-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}') coclass_sources = [ IUBeamAfxEvents, ] default_source = IUBeamAfxEvents coclass_interfaces = [ IUBeamAfx, ] default_interface = IUBeamAfx IUBeamAfx_vtables_dispatch_ = 1 IUBeamAfx_vtables_ = [ (( 'Visible' , 'Value' , ), 1, (1, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 28 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'Visible' , 'Value' , ), 1, (1, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 32 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'AutoScroll' , 'Value' , ), 2, (2, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 36 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'AutoScroll' , 'Value' , ), 2, (2, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 40 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'AutoSize' , 'Value' , ), 3, (3, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 44 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'AutoSize' , 'Value' , ), 3, (3, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 48 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'AxBorderStyle' , 'Value' , ), 4, (4, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 52 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'AxBorderStyle' , 'Value' , ), 4, (4, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 56 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Caption' , 'Value' , ), -518, (-518, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 60 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Caption' , 'Value' , ), -518, (-518, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 64 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Color' , 'Value' , ), -501, (-501, (), [ (16403, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 68 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Color' , 'Value' , ), -501, (-501, (), [ (19, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 72 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Font' , 'Value' , ), -512, (-512, (), [ (16393, 10, None, "IID('{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}')") , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 76 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Font' , 'Value' , ), -512, (-512, (), [ (9, 1, None, "IID('{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}')") , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 80 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Font' , 'Value' , ), -512, (-512, (), [ (16393, 1, None, "IID('{BEF6E003-A874-101A-8BBA-00AA00300CAB}')") , ], 1 , 8 , 4 , 0 , 84 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'KeyPreview' , 'Value' , ), 5, (5, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 88 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'KeyPreview' , 'Value' , ), 5, (5, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 92 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PixelsPerInch' , 'Value' , ), 6, (6, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 96 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PixelsPerInch' , 'Value' , ), 6, (6, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 100 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PrintScale' , 'Value' , ), 7, (7, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 104 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PrintScale' , 'Value' , ), 7, (7, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 108 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Scaled' , 'Value' , ), 8, (8, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 112 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Scaled' , 'Value' , ), 8, (8, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 116 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Active' , 'Value' , ), 9, (9, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 120 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'DropTarget' , 'Value' , ), 10, (10, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 124 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'DropTarget' , 'Value' , ), 10, (10, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 128 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'HelpFile' , 'Value' , ), 11, (11, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 132 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'HelpFile' , 'Value' , ), 11, (11, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 136 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'DoubleBuffered' , 'Value' , ), 12, (12, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 140 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'DoubleBuffered' , 'Value' , ), 12, (12, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 144 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'AlignDisabled' , 'Value' , ), 13, (13, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 148 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'VisibleDockClientCount' , 'Value' , ), 14, (14, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 152 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'Enabled' , 'Value' , ), -514, (-514, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 156 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'Enabled' , 'Value' , ), -514, (-514, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 160 , (3, 0, None, None) , 64 , )), (( 'Cursor' , 'Value' , ), 15, (15, (), [ (16386, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 164 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Cursor' , 'Value' , ), 15, (15, (), [ (2, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 168 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'HelpType' , 'Value' , ), 16, (16, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 172 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'HelpType' , 'Value' , ), 16, (16, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 176 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'HelpKeyword' , 'Value' , ), 17, (17, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 180 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'HelpKeyword' , 'Value' , ), 17, (17, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 184 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'CopytoClipboard' , ), 18, (18, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 188 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Ctrls_visible' , 'Value' , ), 19, (19, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 192 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Ctrls_visible' , 'Value' , ), 19, (19, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 196 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0_visible' , 'Value' , ), 20, (20, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 200 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0_visible' , 'Value' , ), 20, (20, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 204 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_visible' , 'Value' , ), 21, (21, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 208 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_visible' , 'Value' , ), 21, (21, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 212 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_visible' , 'Value' , ), 22, (22, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 216 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_visible' , 'Value' , ), 22, (22, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 220 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_visible' , 'Value' , ), 23, (23, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 224 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_visible' , 'Value' , ), 23, (23, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 228 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_visible' , 'Value' , ), 24, (24, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 232 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_visible' , 'Value' , ), 24, (24, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 236 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XY_visible' , 'Value' , ), 25, (25, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 240 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XY_visible' , 'Value' , ), 25, (25, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 244 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'OpenURL' , 'uname' , 'fname' , 'Result' , ), 32, (32, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 248 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'OpenPalPha' , 'path' , ), 33, (33, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 252 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'OpenListURL' , 'path' , ), 34, (34, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 256 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'OpenWaveDlg' , 'Result' , ), 35, (35, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 260 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'OpenWaveFile' , 'fname' , 'Result' , ), 36, (36, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 264 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'FileName' , 'Value' , ), 37, (37, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 268 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'FileName' , 'Value' , ), 37, (37, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 272 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SelectPrev' , ), 38, (38, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 276 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SelectNext' , ), 39, (39, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 280 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PrevEnabled' , 'Result' , ), 40, (40, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 284 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'NextEnabled' , 'Result' , ), 41, (41, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 288 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SelectDlg' , 'Result' , ), 42, (42, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 292 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SelectDlgEnabled' , 'Result' , ), 43, (43, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 296 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SetScreen' , 'cursors' , ), 64, (64, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 300 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_iscn' , 'Value' , ), 65, (65, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 304 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_fscn' , 'Value' , ), 66, (66, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 308 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_icur' , 'Value' , ), 67, (67, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 312 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Set_icur' , 'icur' , ), 68, (68, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 316 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_fcur' , 'Value' , ), 69, (69, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 320 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Set_fcur' , 'fcur' , ), 70, (70, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 324 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_primary_msamp' , 'Value' , ), 71, (71, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 328 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_primary_ms' , 'Value' , ), 72, (72, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 332 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PlayWave' , 'to_end' , ), 73, (73, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 336 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'PlayStop' , ), 74, (74, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 340 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_readout' , 'ch' , 'Result' , ), 80, (80, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 344 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Set_readout' , 'ch' , 'rname' , ), 81, (81, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 348 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'GetReadoutValues' , 'ch' , 'Result' , ), 82, (82, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 352 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'GetSampleSlice' , 'ch' , 'slice' , 'Result' , ), 83, (83, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 356 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_sample_ms' , 'ch' , 'Value' , ), 84, (84, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 360 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'HPF' , 'ch' , 'fc' , 'newchan' , ), 85, (85, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (5, 1, None, None) , (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 364 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'FIR' , 'ch' , 'M_pst' , 'coef' , 'newchan' , ), 86, (86, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (3, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 368 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'IIR' , 'ch' , 'M_pst' , 'bcoef' , 'acoef' , 'newchan' , ), 87, (87, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (3, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 372 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'DLLSetStr' , 'lib' , 'proc' , 'id' , ), 88, (88, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 376 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'DLLFilt' , 'ch' , 'lib' , 'proc' , 'id' , 'fcoef' , 'newchan' , 'Result' , ), 89, (89, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , (8, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (11, 1, None, None) , (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 380 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Get_multi_wave' , 'Result' , ), 90, (90, (), [ (16397, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 384 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0_readout' , 'Value' , ), 96, (96, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 388 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0_readout' , 'Value' , ), 96, (96, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 392 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0ReadoutValues' , 'Result' , ), 97, (97, (), [ (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 396 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'F0IndexSamples' , 'index_list' , 'Result' , ), 98, (98, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 400 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_readout' , 'Value' , ), 112, (112, (), [ (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 404 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_readout' , 'Value' , ), 112, (112, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 408 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_use_dB' , 'Value' , ), 113, (113, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 412 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_use_dB' , 'Value' , ), 113, (113, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 416 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_window_ms' , 'Value' , ), 114, (114, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 420 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_window_ms' , 'Value' , ), 114, (114, (), [ (5, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 424 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_Hamming' , 'Value' , ), 115, (115, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 428 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMS_Hamming' , 'Value' , ), 115, (115, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 432 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMSReadoutValues' , 'Result' , ), 116, (116, (), [ (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 436 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'RMSIndexSamples' , 'index_list' , 'Result' , ), 117, (117, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 440 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_LPC' , 'Value' , ), 128, (128, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 444 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_LPC' , 'Value' , ), 128, (128, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 448 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_ncoef' , 'Value' , ), 129, (129, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 452 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TF_ncoef' , 'Value' , ), 129, (129, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 456 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TFComputeFormants' , ), 130, (130, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 460 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TFSmoothFormants' , ), 131, (131, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 464 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TFTrackFormants' , ), 132, (132, (), [ ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 468 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TFComputed' , 'Result' , ), 133, (133, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 472 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'TFIndexFormants' , 'index_list' , 'Result' , ), 134, (134, (), [ (12, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 476 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_nlabel' , 'Result' , ), 144, (144, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 480 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_str' , 'idx' , 'Result' , ), 145, (145, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16392, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 484 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_initl_ms' , 'idx' , 'Result' , ), 146, (146, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 488 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_final_ms' , 'idx' , 'Result' , ), 147, (147, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 492 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'LblIndexList' , 'Lbl_str' , 'Result' , ), 148, (148, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 496 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_idx' , 'Lbl_str' , 'occur' , 'Result' , ), 149, (149, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (3, 1, None, None) , (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 500 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Lbl_max_occur' , 'Lbl_str' , 'Result' , ), 150, (150, (), [ (8, 1, None, None) , (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 504 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_curs' , 'Value' , ), 160, (160, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 508 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_curs' , 'Value' , ), 160, (160, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 512 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_LTA' , 'Value' , ), 161, (161, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 516 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_LTA' , 'Value' , ), 161, (161, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 520 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_initl' , 'Value' , ), 162, (162, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 524 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_initl' , 'Value' , ), 162, (162, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 528 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_final' , 'Value' , ), 163, (163, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 532 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_align_final' , 'Value' , ), 163, (163, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 536 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_window_ms' , 'Value' , ), 164, (164, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 540 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_window_ms' , 'Value' , ), 164, (164, (), [ (5, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 544 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Preem' , 'Value' , ), 165, (165, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 548 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Preem' , 'Value' , ), 165, (165, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 552 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Hamming' , 'Value' , ), 166, (166, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 556 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Hamming' , 'Value' , ), 166, (166, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 560 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_rect' , 'Value' , ), 167, (167, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 564 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_rect' , 'Value' , ), 167, (167, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 568 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_LP' , 'Value' , ), 168, (168, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 572 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_LP' , 'Value' , ), 168, (168, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 576 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_DCT' , 'Value' , ), 169, (169, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 580 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_DCT' , 'Value' , ), 169, (169, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 584 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Mmt' , 'Value' , ), 170, (170, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 588 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_Mmt' , 'Value' , ), 170, (170, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 592 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_avg' , 'Value' , ), 171, (171, (), [ (16395, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 596 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_avg' , 'Value' , ), 171, (171, (), [ (11, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 600 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_ncoef' , 'Value' , ), 172, (172, (), [ (16387, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 2 , 4 , 0 , 604 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'Spec_ncoef' , 'Value' , ), 172, (172, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , ], 1 , 4 , 4 , 0 , 608 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SpecReadoutValues' , 'Result' , ), 173, (173, (), [ (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 612 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'SpecGetdB' , 'Result' , ), 174, (174, (), [ (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 616 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XYIndexPel' , 'ipel' , 'index_list' , 'Result' , ), 176, (176, (), [ (3, 1, None, None) , (12, 1, None, None) , (16396, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 620 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XYMsAlign' , 'index_ms' , 'Result' , ), 177, (177, (), [ (5, 1, None, None) , (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 624 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XYMsMax' , 'Result' , ), 178, (178, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 628 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), (( 'XYMsPos' , 'Result' , ), 179, (179, (), [ (16389, 10, None, None) , ], 1 , 1 , 4 , 0 , 632 , (3, 0, None, None) , 0 , )), ] RecordMap = { } CLSIDToClassMap = { '{13809C61-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}' : IUBeamAfx, '{13809C63-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}' : IUBeamAfxEvents, '{13809C65-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}' : UBeamAfx, } CLSIDToPackageMap = {} win32com.client.CLSIDToClass.RegisterCLSIDsFromDict( CLSIDToClassMap ) VTablesToPackageMap = {} VTablesToClassMap = { '{13809C61-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}' : 'IUBeamAfx', } NamesToIIDMap = { 'IUBeamAfxEvents' : '{13809C63-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}', 'IUBeamAfx' : '{13809C61-289A-11D8-A916-E7AFC4A76F61}', } win32com.client.constants.__dicts__.append(constants.__dict__)