ActiveX Components and Arrays


Paul Milenkovic

Copyright 2002


Scalar data values can be passed in and out of COM and ActiveX components through function calls defined on the interfaces to these components.  Arrays can be passed as well, but the choice of the computer language using the component as well as the language used to implement the component places restrictions on how arrays are handled.  One could skirt the issue by calling a COM interface to pass one scalar element at a time, but there is a significant boost to runtime efficiency to pass an entire array in a single function call.


The C and C++ languages treat an array variable as a pointer to the initial element in a list of elements.  Even if an array variable is passed by value, by copying its contents to the stack frame used to invoke a function, that function can both read and write elements of the array using that pointer value.


COM and ActiveX are protocols for v-table object interfaces for invoking functions of software components across module, process, and even machine boundaries.  COM is the interface specification and ActiveX is a specification for implementing Visual Basic controls using COM.  An ActiveX object is a COM object at a low level, and I will use the terms ActiveX and COM interchangeably.  The C and C++ concept of an array variable as a pointer to read/write memory is not workable without special handling in a COM interface.  The array variable is a pointer to what memory?  If COM were used only to cross a module boundary in the same process address space, the array variable pointer could point to memory shared between modules.  COM needs to operate transparently when crossing process and machine boundaries where memory cannot be shared; memory must be replicated on each side of the boundary and the contents of memory has to be physically copied from one side of the boundary to the other.  This physical transfer of data across boundaries is called marshaling.


The ability to marshal data across boundaries makes COM and ActiveX compatible with the .NET environment.  The .NET environment is a gated community where the world is divided between managed code, the byte-code compiled, type checked, array-bounds checked, garbage-collected, and neighborhood-association regulated environment inside the gates and unmanaged code, the unregulated chaos of cars up on cement blocks in the front yard believed to exist outside the gates.  COM and ActiveX components are content to stay outside and pass data through the gates in a manner designated by the security guard, and as such, are considered good service providers to a gated community.


COM interfaces can be accessed from more than one computer language.  While COM interfaces can be defined in the computer language used to write the underlying component, it is convenient to describe these interfaces in a common interface description language (IDL) and to compile that IDL to a type library (TLB).  Tools associated with specific computer languages such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Delphi generate IDL automatically as part of the process of specifying COM interfaces in that language; it is helpful to know about IDL to have control over this process.  The IDL not only specifies the variables making up function interfaces, it also specifies the marshaling.  A function variables can be decorated with the [in], [out], [in, out], or [out, retval] attributes.  The keywords in and out mean what they say – data needs to be marshaled (copied) in, out, or first in and then out of an interface boundary to write, read, or write/read data to that interface. 


The [out, retval] attribute specifies an extra return value for a COM interface function that returns an HRESULT status code.  While not strictly required, it is recommended that a COM function should return a status code, especially if is marshaled between machines over a network where a transport failure is a common occurrence, and such a function need a way to designate a “real” return value in addition to the status code.  Computer languages such as Delphi, Visual Basic, and C# have a way of hiding the status code and making the [out,retval] parameter the return value seen in the normal function syntax.  The HRESULT status code is set and checked behind the scenes using exception handling.  The Delphi language specifies this approach using the safecall attribute; this approach is standard in Visual Basic; the C# language uses this approach by default and disables this style of HRESULT handling using the [PreserveSig] attribute.


In limited circumstances, it is possible to write IDL to specify a C-style array along with marshaling attributes to specify how the array data gets copied when crossing the interface boundary.  Even though an array could in theory be referenced with a pointer for an in-process COM control, the protocol must work with situations where the array must be copied; a .NET application interacting with a COM or ActiveX control is such a situation.  We can pass an array of single-precision floating-point numbers into an interface with the IDL statement


HRESULT _stdcall CopyIn([in, size_is=1] float* Buf, [in] long nBuf);


We can return an array of floating-point numbers with the IDL statement


HRESULT _stdcall CopyOut([out, size_is=1, length_is=2] float* Buf,

    [in] long nBuf, [out] long* nCopy);


The first statement states that an array is to be copied in to the interface, and variable nBuf, a 32-bit signed integer, which is argument 1 (starting at 0) contains the number of array elements.  The second statement states that the array is to be copied out of the interface.  The size_is parameter tells us that variable nBuf contains the number of elements of the buffer while length_is tells us that variable nCopy, a return value, contains the actual number of elements to copy.  You see, a marshaling buffer must be allocated when the function is called yet before the function returns any values, otherwise the return values have no place to go.  The value of nCopy can specify a number to elements less than nBuf to actually go ahead and copy across the marshaled interface, but that value is only known after the function returns.  We are stuck with allocating a buffer of nBuf elements, but we are only required to copy nCopy elements, providing some efficiency gain.  We also avoid [in, out] unless we really need to pass data in both directions – we do this for efficiency.


Limited circumstances mean this is probably how you want to handle arrays, but in most circumstances this seemingly sensible way of passing arrays is not allowed.  One circumstance is Visual Basic 6.0, the last Visual Basic before .NET.  What is the point of developing an ActiveX control in the first place if you can’t use it with Visual Basic 6.0?   Visual Basic 6.0 won’t support such arrays.  C# .NET will support this kind of array, and developing an ActiveX control for use with C# is not entirely without merit – it may be an effective way of using your existing unmanaged code base from the managed .NET environment without extensive rewriting.  Most tools for compiling IDL into a type library, however, will disregard size_is and length_is.  Without giving any error message, these tools will in a most frustrating fashion simply disregard those attributes, and C# code linking to your ActiveX through a type library will only pass length 1 arrays.  You can get around this restriction by writing out interfaces with IDL-like attribute decorations in C# by hand, but that defeats the multi-language nature of having a type library in the first place.     


There are two approaches to this problem.  One is to curse Microsoft for designing in all these restrictions and coming up with half-measures.  The other approach is to try to figure out how they meant their stuff to be used and live with it.  And how things are meant to be is largely controlled by Visual Basic.


The plain truth is that Visual Basic wants an array as a Windows safe array data type packaged inside a Windows variant data type.  Don’t believe anything anyone else tells you.  An array is a variant that references a safe array.  There is no other way to do it.  Can you pass Visual Basic a safe array?  Nope.  You will be mislead by Web sites and books telling you that Visual Basic uses safe arrays and showing you safe-array IDL.  Your array needs to be in two layers of packaging – variant containing a safe array containing the actual array – and you need to accept this.


A variant is a 16-byte data structure containing either a scalar data element or a pointer to a composite data element along with a tag saying what the data element is.  A variant is the fundamental runtime-typed data element in Visual Basic; Delphi Pascal also supports variants as an intrinsic data type.  A safe array is another data structure, one containing a reference to an array along with data fields for array bounds.  A collection of Windows functions set those array bounds, allocate and free memory, set the array reference, and lock and unlock the array reference for low-level access to the array data.   In Visual Basic, those Windows functions are invoked behind the scenes.  Most high-level languages that allow for runtime typing – Lisp, MATLAB, Visual Basic, and scripting languages – have such types that require special handling when exposed to C++ but are fairly transparent when used in the high-level language. 


You can go ahead and declare a typed array as


Dim my_array() As Single;


That array is implicitly packaged in a variant.  You will find it to be type-compatible with variant function arguments, and the IDL needs to specify a variant or a variant pointer to take such an array.


Potential ways to write the IDL to pass a Visual Basic array include



HRESULT _stdcall CopyIn([in] VARIANT Buf);



HRESULT _stdcall CopyOut([out] VARIANT Buf);



HRESULT _stdcall CopyOut([out, retval] VARIANT* Buf);



Type VARIANT specifies a variant, not to be confused with VARIANT_BOOL, which is simply a 16-bit Visual Basic-compatible Boolean scalar variable.  The first IDL statement is the way to pass an array from Visual Basic in to a COM component – Visual Basic takes care of allocating and freeing the memory for the array, so the COM component receiving the array does not have to do anything with memory.  The second IDL statement is how one could pass data out of a COM component back into a Visual Basic array – if it were allowed!  The second statement is legal IDL: the variant is passed by value, but it contains a reference to the array data, and the [out] parameter instructs COM to copy array data from the COM component back out to Visual Basic – COM knows about data structures such as variant and safe array and does the correct action.  Trouble is that Visual Basic won’t work this way, and if Delphi is used to develop the component, the Delphi Type Library Editor used to generate the IDL to describe COM interfaces won’t let you do it either.  The Delphi Type Library Editor, however, will allow IDL that Visual Basic won’t recognize – it is a strange mixture of restrictions that are mindful of Visual Basic but are not completely conforming to Visual Basic.  


The third statement is the only way permitted by Visual Basic to pull an array from the COM component back into Visual Basic – the Visual Basic function call generated from the type library has the variant containing the array as its return value and the HRESULT status code is hidden from the Visual Basic syntax.  Visual Basic does not permit an [out] without the [out, retval] in this instance.  The length of the array is returned along with the array as a field of the safe array structure; this is a good thing because a function is allowed only one [out,retval].  The COM object has to allocate a fresh array for each function call and return a reference to a variant containing that array to Visual Basic.  Both Delphi and Visual Basic are high-level languages with respect to variants – once allocated and assigned to a variant, the memory for a safe array is managed behind the scenes.


It is possible to push an array from an ActiveX component back to Visual Basic by way of an ActiveX event, a callback from the component back to Visual Basic.  For example, an ActiveX component gets a request to return a list of waveform samples from a waveform display or from an A/D, and it returns an array of samples through the event.  The caller is the Delphi ActiveX object, the called module is the Visual Basic form (the ActiveX container), and the direction of data flow is from the Delphi object to the Visual Basic program.


The Delphi Type Library Editor is used to add an OnTransmit() method to the Events object of an ActiveX control wrapper for a Delphi VCL component – ActiveX controls have to be developed first as VCL components as Delphi cannot create them from scratch.  The Text tab of the Type Library Editor display for the OnTransmit() method shows





HRESULT OnTransmit([in] VARIANT wave_samp, [in] long nSamp, [in] VARIANT_BOOL end_of_src );



I wrote a new VCL component called TWaveMonitor, which is exported as an ActiveX control by wrapper class TWaveMonitorX.  The bulk of that wrapper is written automatically by the wizard dialog that generates the ActiveX control; wrapper methods that don’t get generated automatically need to be added by hand.  A good way for automatic method generation to ignore something is to use a non-Automation type (non-ActiveX type); you need to add an ActiveX event with a proper Automation-compatible type using the Type Library Editor as in the above example, and you need to write code to transcribe the non-Automation to the Automation-compatible type.


The following method of TWaveMonitorX receives the OnTransmit event from the VCL component TWaveMonitor and forwards it to the IWaveMonitorXEvents interface in the Visual Basic program receiving the event.  I don’t mean to get into the mechanics of Delphi events and ActiveX events and how events get transmitted and forwarded – I want to show how arrays are allocated and passed.


procedure TWaveMonitorX.TransmitEvent(Sender: TObject;

    var wave_samp: array of Single; nsamp: Integer; end_of_src: Boolean);



        Single_listT = array [0 .. 1] of Single;


        wave_sampV: Variant;

        wave_sampP: ^Single_listT;

        i: Integer;


  wave_sampV := VarArrayCreate([0,nsamp-1],varSingle);

  wave_sampP := VarArrayLock(wave_sampV);

  for i := 0 to nsamp-1 do

      wave_sampP[i] := wave_samp[i];


  if FEvents <> nil then FEvents.OnTransmit(wave_sampV,nsamp,end_of_src);



The declaration var wave_samp: array of Single is an array style internal to Delphi while the variant variable wave_sampV will contain an array in a style exportable with ActiveX to Visual Basic.  The function call VarArrayCreate([0,nsamp-1],varSingle) dynamically allocates a safe array inside a variant of nsamp elements with bounds ranging from 0 to nsamp-1, all in one step.  The array elements are specified as Single (single-precision floating point -- float in C).  The function VarArrayLock exposes a raw pointer to the actual array data while VarArrayUnlock releases that lock, invalidating the pointer.  In playing fast and loose with the Pascal type checking mechanism by assigning that pointer to a generic pointer-to-array-of-Single type, we can reference that array with the syntax wave_sampP[] (which is a Delphi short hand for wave_sampP^[] in more standard Pascal – Delphi adopts the C convention of ambiguity between array pointers and array variables).  The for loop copies array elements from the Pascal-style array to the array-element memory of the safe array contained inside the variant.  The method call FEvents.OnTransmit() forwards the repackaged array to the ActiveX event interface.  While copying array elements costs some computer cycles, copying in this fashion is much more efficient than having to invoke an ActiveX interface method call for each array element we want to bring across.


We are dynamically allocating a safe array with each event that transmits a buffer of samples.  If the array size is static, we could allocate that safe array once and reuse it, but we still need some way to free that dynamically allocated array.  From what I gather, Delphi is working as a high-level language where the array is freed behind the scenes.  Information on the precise details is hard to come by, but my guess is that the safe array in wave_sampV is automatically freed by the Delphi runtime library when local variable wave_sampV goes out of scope.  The call to FEvents.OnTransmit happens before wave_sampV goes out of scope and destroys the array.  If you are concerned, you could invoke VarClear(wave_sampV) after you are done using wave_sampV.  What Visual Basic decides to do with the array is its own business, but it is fair to assume that wave_sampV is only valid within the scope of FEvents.OnTransmit() and if you assign wave_sampV to another variant variable in Visual Basic, it allocates a fresh safe array and copies array elements, and applies similar rules to free that copy.


So the memory allocation is explicit but the de-allocation should takes place behind the scenes.  One way to check is to run the Visual Basic app under Windows 2000 and to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to activate the task manager and use it to monitor memory consumption.  I did just that and found out the memory allocation kept growing and growing whenever I generated OnTransmit() events – it leaked memory! 


More Google searching turned up the fact that Delphi 6 Update 2 contained a patch to the IDE and the runtime library (RTL) meant to fix some unspecified problems with variants.  Guess what, I installed the patch and the memory leak went away.  It is rare that one’s application bug is a compiler, runtime environment, or operating system problem – with Windows it is usually parameters passed from your application to Windows that caused Windows to bomb where your debugger won’t trace – in a legalistic sense a bug in your application and not in Windows, but the brittleness of Windows to application faults is known to be the source of much wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Here, it was an actual bug in the development tools.


In conclusion, the proper way for pushing ([in]) or pulling ([out,retval]) arrays between Visual Basic and a COM or ActiveX component implemented in Delphi is to use a variant containing a safe array.  An array memory allocation is required for each [out,retval] transfer, and one just lives with it.  The allocation, assignment, and freeing of such arrays is implicit in the Visual Basic syntax.  While somewhat less automatic, Delphi provides a variant data type, the VarArrayCreate, VarArrayLock, and VarArrayUnlock functions for allocating and accessing a safe array contained in a variant, and it provides for automatic freeing of the safe array contained in a variant if one installs all of the Delphi bug updates.    


Borland has tweaked the Delphi language to work with Visual Basic, especially in the area of the variant data type.  C++ has to follow a standard, and vendors are not allowed to extend C++ at will to deal with such issues.  Microsoft Visual C++ fires the full artillery barrage of inheritance classes, template classes, and macros to try and work with COM, and when the shelling stops, I still don’t know if there is some streamlined C++ way of working with Visual Basic arrays apart from pulling the safe array out of the variant and then using the safe array API functions.   Delphi is somewhat higher-level in that it has the VarArray functions for operating directly on the variant variable.


I haven’t completely chronicled all the blind alleys in getting to this point.  I am completely amazed that something as basic as transferring an array can be such a tangled mess of capabilities and poorly documented restrictions of those capabilities.  As I mentioned earlier, all dynamic-typed languages maintain data structures containing both data and data-type tags internally, Visual Basic being no exception, and if you write interfaces to C++, those internal data structures need to be exposed.  There really is only one way of passing arrays from Visual Basic to COM, but the COM specification tantalizingly offers other ways of passing arrays one would like to use, and the process of discovering the things that don’t work is frustrating.  It is quite simple: there is no Southern Continent, only you have spent the last few months freezing your backside in a converted coal ship with a tyrant captain finding that out.


Even Microsoft has thrown in the towel in coming out with .NET and its managed runtime environment.  In .NET, an array is an object type recognized by the runtime system and is the same in all the .NET languages.  You can pass an array by value and in effect receive a reference that allows both reading and writing the array elements – functionally the same as a C++ array.  The one reason not to completely abandon COM is that it is an effective way of connecting .NET to all of the unmanaged Windows code one has written over the years, and for that reason, I expect COM and ActiveX to be around for quite a while.